Sunday, January 2, 2011

On Top Of Ole Smoky

Hiking the Appalachian Trail / Davenport Gap Fontana Dam

 Weather in the high country can change in just Minutes
 Hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains this time year can be tricky along
 the Appalachian Trail, weather can change very rapidly. On one occasion 
hiking from Davenport Gap to Clingmans Dome via  New Found Gap,
A few friends and I had stopped  just a few miles up from Davenport
 Gap eating lunch on a grassy knoll.
 I recall we were all in our shorts and having a very pleasant 65 degree 
picnic. Later that nite when we were at our shelter fixing supper while a 
female hiker was washing her hair in the stream, It began to snow and the 
weather started changing for the worst, a cold front was coming in. Having
 some novice hikers with us that morning , we decided not to continue 
up into the high country due to 5" of snow on the ground and it steadily falling.
 The year before,a hiker was lost on that very trail and his companion 
  lived but suffered from severe frost bite. The one hiker had finally gotten
 so cold that he had spread out his tent and put his sleeping bag inside, and
  managed to live until park personnel got to him for evacuation.The other 
hiker saw car lights that night from the ridge running parallel to copperhead 
road and  went straight off, down the side of the mountain.Seeing the car 
lights traveling down the winding road of the other mountain believing that 
the car was closer to him than continuing down
to the trail head, when in all actuality,they were at least 4 to 5 miles away.
In deep snow with no trail,it was a deadly decision.They found him a 
couple of days later sitting next to a tree with his head in hands frozen to 
death.What a painful death that must have been. 
    So, We decided to return to Davenport Gap which was a struggle
 without snow shoes.  As we came down the ridge, I realized from foliage
and  some rock formations, that this was the spot where we had our picnic 
in short pants and t-shirt's the day before. what a drastic change in weather
 and climate.The rest of our trip was hard but uneventful. 
From that day forward, I had a much greater respect for Mother Nature.